Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Konlee Nicole Cowan

Konlee Nicole Cowan; was born on August 27,2008 @5:55 a.m. Her weight was 7lbs. 12oz. and she was 19 1/4 inches long. She was welcomed into this world by her Mommy and Daddy and a onslot of nurses and doctors at the UofU Medical Center . Shortly after birth she was wisked off by the Life Flight Crew to the NICU @Primary Childrens Hospital.

Why? Well, our beautiful little girl was born with a diaphramatic hernia. Which means that there was a hole in Konlees' diaphram, that allowed all of her abdominal organas to slide up into her chest cavity;ie: the stomache, spleen, intestines, and part of the liver ,where up were all of our lungs and heart are.

1 comment:

jelainep said...

what a cute little baby!!!!
Welcome to the blogging world... hopefully, we can figure it out!!!